Saturday, November 7, 2015

Ohh deer

It was November 5, 2015 when I first saw a deer with great big antlers. It was on its' way to where its' supposed to go before I could compose myself and get a hold of the camera to capture a photo...assuming its' a he, due to the antlers. The following day, I was hoping the deer with the great big antlers would reappear before me, but it didn't. Today, I saw a deer with growing antlers. Alot of energy (ATP!) actually goes into it as an essential weapon for survival. This photo has no magnification adjustments, although I was so close to it,  I cut the antler from the frame.

Psalm 42:1-2 As a deer pants for flowing streams, so pants my soul for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When shall I come and appear before God?

Have a great day,


Thursday, October 15, 2015

The sky is the limit

If I could describe this photo in a word, it would be: MAJESTIC. 

Hope you are doing well,


Thursday, September 24, 2015

Some photos I took

Good day,

Nike Running

I found this Nike Running application to measure distance, speed and time. Above are my activities for two weeks -- jogging on the road and the trail/park. I am limping from the 5.25 mi jog I did yesterday, but hey, it's a progress...


Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Into the wilderness

This little guy was looking at me for such a long time! I'm not sure what it is, but s/he ran away when I ran away.


Monday, September 21, 2015


Isaiah 44:8 Do not tremble and do not be afraid; Have I not long since announced it to you and declared it? And you are My witnesses Is there any God besides Me, Or is there any other Rock? I know of none.

Psalms 59:2 From the end of the earth I call to You when my heart is faint; Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.

Psalms 31:1-3 In You, O LORD, I have taken refuge; Let me never be ashamed; In Your righteousness deliver me. Incline Your ear to me, rescue me quickly; a rock of strength, A stronghold to save me. For You are my rock and my fortress; For Your name's sake You will lead me and guide me.

Good day,                                    

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Quick post: Neurolemmocytes or Schwann cells

Neurolemmocytes or as I like to call them, Schwann cells, are only present in the Peripheral Nervous System (ganglia, spinal nerves and cranial nerves) and are similar to Oligodendocytes in the Central Nervous System (brain and spinal cord), that being, they also wrap around axons to contain the nerve impulses in the axon itself. They are made out of phospholipids which makes them great insulators and terrible electrical conductors. What sets them apart from the Oligodendrocytes besides the fact that they are only in the PNS is that they have a different wrapping technique. However, both Oligodendrocytes and Schwann cells help nerve impulses to conduct faster in the axon.

Whenever I say Schwann, I always remember this Swan Apple I made. Take a look! Of course I ate it after cutting it.

Have a great day,


Sunday, March 8, 2015

GUIDELINES: More origin, insertion and actions!

Remember TACTLUVS?

1. Temporomandibular joint
2. Atlanto-occipital joint
3. Cervical intervertebral joint
4. Thoracic  intervertebral joint
5. Lumbar intervertebral joint
6. Vetebrocostal and Sternocostal joints

Well, here are some more general guidelines to consider before determining actions on joints:

a. FLEX = Muscle is on the anterior side, but the knees (You rebellious knees!)

b. EXTEND = Muscle is on the posterior side, but the knees

c. DORSIFLEX = Talocrural muscle only on the anterior/superior side.

How I remember this is by dorsiflexing my ankle muscles. When I dorsiflex my ankles, I can feel the force on the anterior side moreso than on the posterior side.

d. PLANTARFLEX = Talocrural muscle only on posterior/inferior side

e. EVERT = Talonavicular only, on lateral side

f. INVERT = Talonavicular  only, on medial side

When I invert, I can feel the force on the medial side than on the lateral side of my talonavicular.

g. ADDUCT = medial side

How I remember this is I picture a duck on medial side of the body.
A duck on the medial side! Get it? lol

h. ABDUCT = lateral side

Here are some great examples

1. Vastus Lateralis extends knee joint

2. Rectus Femoris flexes  hip joint, but extends knee joint (remember general guidelines above!)

3. Semimembranosus extends thigh and flexes leg

4. Gracilis flexes hip joint

5. Iliacus and Psoas major (Iliopsoas) flexes thigh

6. Triceps brachii extends elbow joint

7. Brachialis flexes forearm

8. Palmaris longus flexes wrist joint

9. Extensor Digitorum extends wrist and metacarpophalangeal joints

Here are some more examples

1. Biceps femoris flexes leg

2. Gastrocnemius plantarflexes to foot

3. Fibularis longus plantarflexes ankles and everts talonavicular

4. Soleus plantar flexes foot

5. Tibialis anterior dorsiflexes and inverts foot



1. Posterior sacrum to lesser trochanter = extension of hip

2. Ischial tuberosity to linea aspera = extension of hip

3. Linea aspera to medial malleolus = Flexion of knee (REMEMBER! Knees are rebels and they do not follow the rules!) 

4. Humeral epicondyles  to radial tuberosity =  Flexion of elbow

5. Styloid process of radius to metacarpal = Abduction of wrist

That's it. You got it.

Have a great day,


Friday, March 6, 2015

Muscle attachments, movements and actions

Origin is the point of attachment that does not move, while the insertion is the point of attachment that moves.

When the insertion is pulled towards the origin, the muscle shortens.

Action is the act of shortening the muscles.

An action name has two parts:
a. Action - for example, flexion, extension, etc.
b. Joint - for example, elbow, knees, etc.

Rules to Determine Actions in the Muscles.

a. Muscle will move the joint it crosses
b. Muscles pull towards the origin, not push.
c. Direction of the joint = direction of movement. For example, the movement of anterior elbow will cause flexion while the movement of the hip will result in lateral hip movements such as abduction.
d. If movement is at an angle, will result in a multiplanar movement.

Ask yourself these questions:

a. Where is the origin?
b. How about the insertion?
c. Imagine the two ends.
d. What kind of movement will happen between those two ends?

In application, you can remember this by thinking of crunches.

Wait, not that kind of crunch (the chocolate bar).... the kind that we all just love to do on our spare time:

The origin of the rectus abdominis also known as the abs is the medial pubis.  The insertion is in the medial ribs and the xiphoid process. Think, what joint will move when flexion happens in this region?

Action, therefore, will be called lumbar intervertebral flexion.

Naming skeletal muscles can vary depending on

a. Appearance
b. Location
c. Function
d. Origin and insertion
e. Relative size
f. Number of origins
g. Fiber orientation

Starting with...


a. Serrate - A good  way I remember this is by the serratus anterior. To me, it looks sort of like chicken feathers.... or the serrated ends of a leaf?
b. Semi - partly
c. Detloid - triangular in shape
d. Rhomboid - rhombus in shape. Well, if you ask me, I think the rhomboid major and minor doesn't really look rhomboid in shape...
e. Trapezius


a. Maximus - the LARGEST
b. Medius - medium
c. Minimus - smallest
d. Major - larger
e. Minor - smaller
f. Longus - LONGER
g. Brevis - shorter


a. lateral/medial
b. posterior/anterior
c. inferior/superior
d. external/internal

Fiber Orientation.

a. rectus - straight
b. oblique - angled (remember the horse's obliques?)
c. transversus - horizontal
d. orbicularis - round/circular

Numbers - Bi/tri/quadri

Actions - Extensor, flexor, adductor, pronator, levator (elevation), depressor, erector (holds  up)

Drawing Info from Names.

Triceps brachii

Tri - three, ceps - heads, brachii - upper arm

Some joint options you have to remember include:

a. Temporomandibular joint
b. Atlanto-occipital joint
c. Cervical intervertebral joint
d. Thoracic intervertebral joint
e. LUmbar intervertebral joint
f. Vertebrocostal and Sternocostal joint

How I remember this is by the word TACTLUVS. I love it when people are tactful, hence, TACTLUVS. I know, corny, but it works! At least for me.

Some actions of the Skeletal Muscles include:

a. Agonist - or the prime mover, or the muscle that initiates the movement.
b. Antagonist - or the villain! It works against the agonist.
c. Synergist - assists the agonist. In a movie, this is usually the funny best friend.

    Neutralizer - neutralizes the muscle by removing excess actions (kind of like a buffer in Chemistry!)

    Fixator - fixes the origin by stabilization

Here are some exercise related information to remember:

a. Muscle atrophy - is the decrease of size of muscle as a result of lack of exercise. This causes the myofibrils to disassemble.

b. Muscle hypertrophy - the increase of size of muscle as a result of exercise. The cells do not increase, but the amount of protein, mitochondria, ATP, myofibrils and myofilaments increase. This is a non - pathogenic increase.

c. Muscle dystrophy - a pathogenic, diseased skeletal muscle caused by degeneration. A good example would be a disease called the Duchenne muscular dystrophy. This is a sex linked disease from the recessive allele, most commonly seen in males. This gene codes for dystrophin.

d. Strains - stretch/tear 

e. Charley Horse - pain and stiffness at a local area after a contusion.

Quick Factoid:  In adult skeletal muscle tissue, there are embryonic like cells that are called satellite cells.


No wonder why people say, "I love you will all my butt". It's because it's the largest muscle there is!

Have a great day,